CLAS in the News, March – April 2010

Faculty Expertise

  • Faramarz Farahi, physics and optical sciences, was mentioned in an article in the Charlotte Business Journal regarding “UNCC Charlotte’s fiber optics to vie at international awards.” (Feb. 12)
  • Aaron Gwyn, English, was quoted in the Salt Lake Tribune regarding a current book review in “Writing across Utah’s cultural divide.” (Feb. 19)
  • Kelly Finley, anthropology, was featured in the Charlotte Observer’s article about the Gloria Steinem event, “Speaking for Steinem, in a familiar voice.” (Mar. 4)

  • Vivian Lord, criminal justice, was quoted in the Charlotte Observer article regarding “State hiring, slowly, for probation slots.” (Mar. 4)
  • Jen Hartman, criminal justice, was quoted in a story by WCNC regarding “DNA proves father of Tiffany Wright’s baby.” (Mar. 5)
  • Roslyn Arlin Mickelson, sociology, was quoted in an article in the Greensboro News & Record regarding diversity, “Wake County ditches its school diversity policy.” (Mar. 7)
  • Deborah Bosley, English, was a guest on WFAE’s “Charlotte Talks” discussing “Plain Language.” (Mar. 12) She also writes about the plain-writing act in the Charlotte Observer: “Plain Writing Act – at last, a law that everyone can support.” (Apr. 4)
  • Larry Mellenchamp, botanical gardens, was a guest on WFAE’s “Charlotte Talks,” talking about camellias. He was quoted in the Charlotte Observer’s article, “Where Spring Already Flowers.” (Mar. 7)
  • Greg Weeks, political science, was quoted in the New York Times article “After the Earthquake, a Military Chile Can Love Again.” (Mar. 14)
  • Concepcion Godev, Elvira Jardines, and Ann González, languages and culture studies, were interviewed by the El Progreso Hispano for an article highlighting the departments work with the Latino community.
  • James Walsh and James Piazza, Center for Applied Counterterrorism Studies, were featured in an article in Miller-McCune discussing “Respect Human Rights, Reduce Terrorism. ” (Apr. 8)
  • James Tabor, religious studies, was quoted in Science & Religion Today in an article, “Do Angels and Demons Exist?” (Apr. 8)
  • Alan Rauch, english, published in the (Raleigh) News & Observer an article on whales, “A lovely meditation on whales.”  (Apr. 18)
  • Alan May, anthropology, is featured in the Gaston Gazette in an article, “Archeologists dig new finds at Gaston’s oldest home. ” (Apr. 24)

CLAS News & Events

  • The Shakespeare in Action Center was featured in an article in the Charlotte Observer regarding its “36 in 6” Event, “At UNCC, the Bard’s the thing – for 6 years .” (Apr. 16)
  • The Salisbury Post ran a story about the College’s new Center for Applied Terrorism Studies (and quoted Jim Walsh, political science), “New Center Focuses on Terrorism.”  (Mar. 14)
  • The Charlotte Observer published a follow-up article on the Gloria Steinem lecture, “Steinem sounds rally cry, even in a whisper.” (Mar. 2)
  • The Botanical Gardens’ opening of the Asian Garden was featured in an article in the Charlotte Observer, “Green & Serene.” (Apr. 9)

Alumni and Student Newsmakers

  • University City Magazine featured an article on the student-run Radio Free Charlotte, “UNCC Web stream takes on the Mainstream.” (April 2010, page 16+)
  • Fadel Zeidan’s (PhD, psychology, 2009) research on the “Benefits of Meditation on Cognitive Health” was featured in a number of national and international media outlets (pieces also mention study co-authors and UNC Charlotte psychology faculty Susan K. Johnson, Zhanna David and Paula Goolkasian).