Authors, Researchers Honored at CLAS reception

Faculty authors and grant recipients from the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences (CLAS) were recognized for their scholarly achievements at a reception Dec. 8.

CLAS Dean Nancy Gutierrez expressed her appreciation for the efforts of the faculty, whom she called the knowledge leaders in the University community. For 2010, CLAS faculty authored or edited 32 books.

“In keeping with the mission of the University, nine books are designed for classroom use in support of teaching; eight are written for a general audience and appeal to the community; 12 demonstrate our global impact; and four are devoted to topics related to diversity,” said Gutierrez. With regard to external funding, 98 faculty members from 17 departments received grants between July 2009 and June 2010.

Click here for a list of grant recipients. Click here for a list of published authors.