Library workshop, co-sponsored by CLAS, to explore digital humanities

The Atkins Library Digital Scholarship Lab, in partnership with the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, will host the free workshop “Exploring Digital Humanities: Practicalities and Potential” on Monday, Dec. 5, from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m

Faculty, graduate students and staff at UNC Charlotte and neighboring institutions are invited to attend either or both sessions of this event, co-sponsored by the J. Murrey Atkins Library and the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences. To reserve a seat, email Kristy Dixon by Thursday, Dec. 1.

This free, digital scholarship symposium, being held in Atkins Library, Room 125, will examine, discuss and test the possibilities for scholarship enabled by new digital technology. The morning session will showcase different practitioners discussing their work in the field of digital humanities. In the afternoon, practitioners will lead small-group workshops on ways to use digital technology to research, publish and teach in the humanities.

Featured guests will include:

  • Robert Morrissey from the University of Chicago and the American and French Research on the Treasury of the French Language (ARTFL)
  • Mark Olsen, assistant director of the ARTFL Project
  • Mark Sample from the Department of English at George Mason University and an affiliated faculty member with the Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media
  • Paul Youngman, UNC Charlotte’s Center for Advanced Research in the Humanities
  • Heather McCullough, UNC Charlotte’s Atkins Library Digital Scholarship Lab