Strickland, Bolton Chosen as Recipients of Excellence in Teaching Awards

lecturer_award_2012_2_bolton_stricklandJamie Strickland of Geography & Earth Sciences is the 2012 recipient of the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences’ Excellence in Teaching Award for full-time lecturers. Iain Ross Bolton of  Political Science & Public Administration and Global, International, & Area Studies is receiving the award for part-time lecturers.

The college held a reception to honor the recipients and the other nominees on Monday, April 30 at 2 p.m. in the Cone University Center, Room 112.

 “We commend these outstanding teachers for their dedication to their students and their commitment to excellent teaching,” said Dean Nancy Gutierrez. “These faculty members primarily teach our undergraduate students and they are instrumental in helping set students on a solid academic career. Our award winners and other nominees embody the college’s intrinsic valuing of its educational mission.”

Department chairs and program directors in the college nominate lecturers for these annual awards.

Strickland has been a full time lecturer since 2001. She has taught at the undergraduate and graduate level in Geography & Earth Sciences and has taught  two Liberal Studies courses. She also has directed close to a half-dozen independent studies and served on over 20 master thesis committees. She works as a consultant to develop a program to extend social science licensure opportunities for Geography students.

Bolton has served as a part-time faculty member for the departments of Political Science and Public Administration and Global, International, and Area Studies since 2007. He teaches four classes per semester. He is the only faculty member who teaches courses in international security and has introduced two new courses to the curriculum based on his expertise in security and development.

Other nominees for the full-time lecturer award were Topher Gee, Biology; Anthony Greene, Sociology; Richard Jew, Chemistry; Pedram Leilabady, Physics and Optical Science; and John Taylor, Mathematics and Statistics.

Other nominees for the part-time lecturer award were Lawrence Blydenburgh, Criminal Justice and Criminology; Isaac Heard, Geography and Earth Science; and Holly Suarez, Sociology.

The selection committee comprised committee Chair Catherine Fuentes of Anthropology, Kathy Asala of Chemistry, Lynnette Deem of History, Meg Morgan of English and Lori Van Wallendael of Psychology.