Women’s Summit Advisory Council to Include College of Liberal Arts & Sciences Representatives

Joan-Lorden webThe newly-appointed advisory council for the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Women’s Summit includes several College of Liberal Arts & Sciences representatives, who will provide oversight and guidance to the organization and help plan the 2014 Women’s Summit Conference.

“This advisory council represents an outstanding group of highly qualified and committed members of our community who will guide and direct the Women’s Summit as it moves ahead,” said Joan Lorden, provost and vice chancellor for Academic Affairs, who appointed the group. “I am delighted and most appreciative that such a distinguished group of women is ready to help shape the future of the Women’s Summit and to lead us into that future.”

Earlier this year, Chancellor Philip L. Dubois reauthorized the Women’s Summit as a unit within the Metropolitan Studies and Extended Academic Programs Office. Alisa McDonald, vice president of the Duke Energy Foundation, will chair the advisory council. Gina Esquivel, project director for Project Hope, Crisis Assistance Ministry, is chair-elect.

University representatives include from the College: Deborah Bosley, English; Nancy Gutierrez, dean of the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences; Suzanne Leland, director of the Gerald G. Fox Master of Public Administration program in the Department of Political Science and Public Administration; and Coral Wayland, associate professor, Women’s and Gender Studies Program and Anthropology Department. Krista Newkirk, chief of staff to the chancellor, also will serve.

In addition to McDonald and Esquivel, other community representatives on the council are Jenny Bonk, director of marketing for the banking industry group, Jones, Lang LaSalle; Amy Chiou, Lincoln Harris, analyst; Marty Viser Clontz, community relations manager, Piedmont Natural Gas; Kelly Forney Coyne, co-director, Domestic Violence Service Area, United Family Services; Mary Curtis, journalist; Amy Farrell, executive director, GenerationNation; Tamera Green, owner/president, Viridian Marketing; Paula Guilfoyle, owner, Claim Your Best Life; Wendy Laxton, owner, Laxton CFO Services; Nancy McNelis, director of the McColl Executive MBA, McColl School of Business, Queens University of Charlotte; Theresa Major-Payton, president and CEO, Fortalice LLC; Sharon Matthews, leader, HR workforce policy, Wells Fargo; Renee Alexander-Sherrod, vice president, diversity and community affairs, TIAA-CREF; Bernie Monroe Washington, corporate relations coordinator, Novant Health; and Lauren Woodruff, vice president, marketing and communications, Bank of America.
The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Women’s Summit is a center for women’s public policy and leadership development in the Charlotte region, providing research and analysis on issues that impact women and girls and developing women leaders. The summit is committed to ensuring that women’s perspectives are represented in research, public policy, leadership development and education.