Forensics Team Brings Home Awards

The UNC Charlotte Forensics team brought home team and individual awards from the Collegiate Forensic Association Holiday Forensics Tournament in early December, placing sixth overall. Lord Fairfax Community College in Middletown, Virginia hosted the tournament.

The UNC Charlotte team competes in intercollegiate speech and debate tournaments and sponsors on-campus public speaking events and competitions. Forensics, generally speaking, is the study of debate. The only requirement for membership in the UNC Charlotte team is the desire to become a better communicator.  Tim Horne, a lecturer in Communication Studies in the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, is director of forensics.

Students who received individual awards at the holiday tournament are:
·     Hoke Pittman: 1st Place, Prose; 2nd place, Duo Improvisation; 2nd place, Dramatic Interpretation; 6th place, Impromptu Speaking; and 6th Place, Pentathlon (reserved for speakers who compete in five or more events from each category of forensic speech.)
·     Alex Krzyinski: 2nd place, Duo Improvisation; and 2nd place, Impromptu Speaking.
·     Kate Wedman: 6th place, Communication Analysis.