Students To Raise Funds for Operation Refugee Child

Students in the literature class “War and Genocide in Children’s Literature” are raising money to benefit Operation Refugee Child, a nonprofit organization that provides living supplies to children residing in refugee camps.

On Monday and Tuesday, Nov. 14-15, at the Prospector Building, students will staff tables offering games, educational posters and baked goods to donors. On Wednesday and Thursday, Nov. 16-17, they will be set up in the Popp Martin Student Union.

The class goal is to raise $2,000 for this Promoting Peace project. This will enable the students to provide 130 backpacks filled with supplies to child refugees fleeing Syria.

NoDa Brewing Company is participating in this fundraising effort; the company will donate $1 from every beer sold on Nov. 14.

Sarah Minslow, English lecturer, is the instructor for “War and Genocide in Children’s Literature.” The Office of International Programs is cosponsoring this event.

Operation Refugee Child distributes backpacks with basic necessities to bring comfort, health, safety and warmth to refugee children and families who have left everything behind. Through its international network of volunteers and local NGOs in the United States, Middle East and Europe, they assemble and distribute backpacks to refugee children and families fleeing violence and war. In 2016, ORC expects to distribute basic necessities and at least 10,000 backpacks to refugee children.