Eric Heberlig panelist on political impact in NC after Biden exits the race

Categories: In the News

Eric Heberlig, professor and political science honors program director, was on the panel of WFAE’s Charlotte Talks with Mike Collins discussing the shake-up in the presidential race after Biden stepped down from the ticket.

Collins asked about the significant fundraising efforts in the time after Biden stepped down and endorsed Kamala Harris. Heberlig said “It shows that enthusiasm from the democratic base, but that’s one ingredient in a successful campaign.”

“Whether the enthusiasm also broadens out to the swing voters who will decide this election, particularly in the handful of swing states is really the key,” said Heberlig. “The resources help give her the ability to communicate that message to those voters, but If she has a message they don’t want to hear, then having lots of money isn’t going to help.”

Listen to WFAE’s episode of Charlotte Talks with Mike Collins.

Watch the Facebook Livestream of this episode of Charlotte Talks with Mike Collins.