CHAIS and CAGIS research highlighted with launch of Charlotte AI Institute

This week UNC Charlotte launched the Charlotte AI Institute with two centers from the College of Humanities & Earth and Social Sciences highlighted for making significant contributions to innovative research from the University.
The Center for Applied Geographic Information Science, CAGIS, uses advanced space-time theories, methods, and technologies in Geographic Information Science (GIS) to address pressing multi-scale resource and sustainability issues. Coupling spatiotemporal and computational thinking, major research themes include remote sensing and sensor networks, geocomputational modeling, geovisualization, and urban resilience, sustainability, and complexity.
The Center for Humane AI Studies, CHAIS, explores the influence of emerging artificial intelligence technologies on humanity, bringing together interdisciplinary thought leaders for critically needed research in this fast growing field. From the humanities and social sciences to computational and health sciences, researchers examine the intersection of AI, humans and social crises, focusing on trustworthiness, equity and AI literacy.
Read the announcement about the Charlotte AI Institute launch.