Steven Rogelberg quoted in ‘How Are Your Employees Really Doing?’

Categories: In the News

Steven Rogelberg, professor of management and psychology, was quoted in the article, ‘How Are Your Employees Really Doing?’ from Timber Product Manufacturers (TPM).

Employee well-being is currently facing significant challenges due to struggles with engagement and feelings of loneliness. Even with solid relationships between employees and their managers, it can be difficult to determine how colleagues are feeling about work, especially remote workers. 

Rogelberg is the author of ‘Glad We Met: The Art and Science of 1:1 Meetings,’ where he stresses the importance of asking thoughtful questions during one-on-one meetings. “During the pandemic, we missed out on connections and the feeling of being recognized by those crucial to our success,” explains Rogelberg.

Read the full article.

Check out Glad We Met: The Art and Science of 1:1 Meetings.