College Announces Nominees for Lecturer Awards

This year’s nominees for the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences’ Full-time Lecturer Award for Teaching Excellence and Part-time Lecturer Award for Teaching Excellence have been announced.

Six faculty have been nominated for the Full-time Lecturer Award and four faculty have been nominated for the Part-time Lecturer Award presented by the college.

“Lecturers fulfill important instructional roles in the College, especially at the undergraduate level, and help to set students on a strong path in their academic careers,” said Dean Nancy Gutierrez. “These nominees clearly are dedicated teachers who strive to help their students succeed.”

The nominees for the full-time lecturer award are Topher Gee, biology; Anthony Greene, sociology; Richard Jew, chemistry; Pedram Leilabady, physics and optical science; Jamie Strickland, geography and earth sciences; and John Taylor, mathematics and statistics.

Nominees for the part-time lecturer award are Lawrence Blydenburgh, criminal justice and criminology; Iain Ross Bolton, global, international, and area studies; Ike Heard, geography and earth science; and Holly Suarez, sociology.

Department chairs and program directors in the college nominate lecturers for these annual awards. The college will announce the award recipients in mid-April, with an awards reception scheduled for Monday, April 30 from 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. in Cone 112.

“We thank these dedicated faculty members and look forward to announcing the award recipients in mid-April,” Gutierrez said.