UNC Charlotte Model United Nations Shines

modelUN_300UNC Charlotte’s Model UN delegates recently competed at the Southern Regional Model United Nations conference in Atlanta against 48 universities and earned the most awards of any UNC Charlotte team ever at a conference.
The 53-member delegation from an array of colleges won two of three Outstanding Delegation Awards, an Honorable Mention Delegation Award, a Position Paper Award and 17 Individual Delegate Awards. It was the most awards any UNC Charlotte Model U.N. team has ever garnered at a conference.
“Since most of our delegates were new members, we have so many reasons to be proud of these students, their intense work and their unprecedented success,” said Cindy Combs, political science professor and faculty advisor.

Other universities competing included University of Florida, University of Alabama, Old Dominion University, Georgia State and Kennesaw State.  In total, almost 700 student delegates participated.
The Southern Regional Model United Nations conference began in 1990 in Greenville, S.C., with the intention of being an exemplary learning experience for undergraduate college students interested in pursuing issues of international concern.  The conference has grown and is now held in Atlanta.
In spring 2012, 16 UNC Charlotte members will participate in a Model Arab League regional and national conference to represent Palestine.  Another group will participate in the Harvard World Model U.N. Conference scheduled for March in Vancouver, British Columbia. The University’s team fared extremely well at this competition held in Singapore.
The University’s Model UN team is led by students Andy Morimoto, president; Devin McRae, vice president/internal; Greg Raynor, vice president/external; and Clinton Anderson, treasurer.  Last summer, 11 Model U.N. team members traveled to earthquake-ravaged Haiti, where they spent eight days helping rebuild an orphanage that had been destroyed and working with children.