CLAS in the News, July – August 2008

This is a report of College of Liberal Arts and Sciences faculty, students and alumni in the news for the months of July and August.

Faculty Expertise

  • Dr. James Tabor, chair of religious studies, was quoted in the Boston Globe article, “Some say ad cast Barack Obama as the Anti-Christ ,” which was also picked up by MSNBC. (Aug. 9)
  • Charlotte NPR affiliate WFAE hosted Dr. Min Jiang, communications professor, to discuss “The Decline of the Daily Newspaper” on “Charlotte Talks .” (July 11)
  • Dr. Michael Hudson, biology professor, discussed “Health Issues and Germs” on WFAE’s “Charlotte Talks .” (July 22) He also appeared on WJZY, Cable 8 to discuss the same topic. (July 13)
  • Dr. Dena Shenk, director of the gerontology program, talked about aging parents on WFAE’s “Charlotte Talks .” (Aug. 11)
  • Biology professors Dr. Kenneth Bost and Dr. Kenneth Piller were featured on WFAE’s “Charlotte Talks ,” discussing “The DNA of Laziness.” (Aug. 12)
  • WBT 1110 AM News Talk Radio honored criminal justice professor Joseph Marinello, as a Hometown Hero for educating the community about domestic violence. (Aug. 22)
  • Charlotte Viewpoint featured a column by Center for Humanities, Technology, and Science director Dr. Deborah Bosley, “The Heft of the Humanities .” (July) Bosley was also quoted in a Charlotte Magazine article called “U R So Dumb ,” about whether text messaging is adversely affecting communication. (August) The Rocky Mount Telegram quoted Bosley in a story called “Advances Reshape Language .” (July 25)
  •, a science and technology news Web site, discussed anthropology professor Dr. Jonathan Marks’ research on genetic ancestry tests in its article “Relative Connection: DNA Tests Trace Family’s Lineage, With Few Surprises.” (July 14)
  • Dr. Eric Heberlig, professor of political science, was interviewed on WFAE for a report entitled “Fundraising Reports Suggest Challenges for McCrory .” (July 14)
  • English professor Dr. Aaron Gwyn reviewed Ron Hansen’s fiction novel “Exiles” for the Charlotte Observer in “‘Exiles’ plumbs the depths of obsession .” (July 3)

College Matters

  • The Charlotte Observer reported on the Susie Harwood Garden of exotic plants at UNC Charlotte’s Botanical Gardens, “Admire Asia’s trees .”(Aug. 9)
  • The Charlotte Observer Editorial Page ran a letter written by John Smail, Dean, University College, and Nancy Gutierrez, Dean, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, “‘Liberal’ arts have nothing to do with profs’ politics .” (Aug. 31)

Alumni and Student Newsmakers

  • The Charlotte Observer reported that WBTV reporter Sarah Batista (B.A., Comm. Studies ’03) won an award from The National Association of Hispanic Journalists for her series of reports “Beyond the Border .” (August)