Contact Us

For all inquiries regarding student services and academic programs, or if you are a prospective student or faculty member, we’d like to direct your call to the right person. Please contact the main office at 704‑687‑0088, and we will gladly direct you to the correct individual.

College academic advisors can be found here.

Roles in the College: who to contact for what

Academic Petitions and AppealsJanaka Lewis & Tanya Hunt
Advising, New Student OrientationTanya Hunt
Alumni EngagementNana Sledzieski
Budget and FinanceChris Boyer & Vanessa Grimaldi
Career Readiness for StudentsMary McKenzie
College Events and Public ProgrammingNana Sledzieski
College Operations and MissionChris Boyer
Community OutreachNana Sledzieski
CurriculumJanaka Lewis
Curriculum/Curriculog Proposal ReviewKris Byrd
Development, Donations and PhilanthropyChris Boyer & Xavier Hemphill
EnrollmentJanaka Lewis & Tanya Hunt
Experiential Learning Programs and OpportunitiesMary McKenzie
Faculty Affairs (Leave, Workload, Governance and RPT)Greg Weeks
Faculty and Staff Engagement and WellbeingMaisha Cooper
First-Year Experience (Incoming Students)Maisha Cooper
Graduate Education and AssistantshipsBeth Whitaker
Human ResourcesVanessa Grimaldi
Interdisciplinary Programs, Research, CurriculaBeth Whitaker
Program Review (Academic Program Review)Kris Byrd
Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure (RPT), NTT Reappointment and Promotion, Post Tenure Review (PTR)Greg Weeks & Syreeta Taylor
Research (Inc. Nexus, Ignite Centers, Small Grants Program)Beth Whitaker
Scheduling (Dean’s Office Events and Dean Boyer)Syreeta Taylor
Student Ambassador ProgramMaisha Cooper
Student Success and ExperienceJanaka Lewis
Workload Issues (Including Leave)Greg Weeks