Steven Rogelberg on the art and science of one-on-one meetings

Categories: In the News

Steven Rogelberg, the UNC Charlotte Chancellor’s Professor and professor of organizational science, psychological science and management, was the guest on WFAE’s Charlotte Talks with Mike Collins.

Rogelberg discussed his new book “Glad We Met: the Art and Science of 1:1 Meetings,” which are the the kind of meetings that employees and supervisors actually want, if they can change the cultural ecosystem of meetings. Managers shouldn’t focus on issues from the past and instead find moments to help employees to thrive and use them as opportunities to connect on a more personal level.

“One of the few great things about the pandemic was that people started taking an interest in meetings — for a long time meetings were seen as the cost of doing business,” said Rogelberg. He discussed how hybrid meetings became more common post-pandemic but conference rooms need to be redesigned so the people attending virtually aren’t forgotten.

Listen to the episode of WFAE’s Charlotte Talks.

Watch the Facebook Livestream of the episode of WFAE’s Charlotte Talks.