Meghan Davenport joined Charlotte Talks to discuss how to know the right time for retirement

Categories: In the News

Meghan Davenport, professor of psychological science, joined Charlotte Talks with Mike Collins for the discussion, ‘Most people retire at some point, but how do you know when the time is right?’

Davenport was accompanied by Teresa Ghilarducci, professor of economics at the New School for Social Research in New York who recently released a new book,”Work, Retire, Repeat: The Uncertainty of Retirement in the New Economy,” and Charley Locke, a freelance journalist who writes for publications including The Atlantic, The New York Times, and Bloomberg Businessweek.

Although some people look forward to retirement and strive to retire early, others may cling to their jobs beyond retirement age, even when money is not an issue. 

“One big thing is how tied someone’s job is to their identity as a person, some of us see work very transactionally, either because our job has never really been a good fit for us or just because we hold other roles in our lives as more salient,” said Davenport. “But others see their work as a calling and it’s central to who they feel like they are. That is a big part of what retirement will mean to people.”

Listen to the full podcast from Charlotte Talks.