Lawrence Blydenburgh Named Teaching Award Finalist

Lawrence Blydenburgh of Criminal Justice and Criminology is one of three finalists for the College’s Outstanding Teaching by a Part-Time Faculty Member Award. The other two nominees are Allison Hutchcraft of Englis and Janna Shedd of Religious Studies.

Originally from Long Island, Blydenburgh came to North Carolina to attend college. He graduated from Pfeiffer College in 1978 with a bachelor’s degree in Law Enforcement and Sociology.  He joined the Charlotte Police Department, which is now the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department as an officer in 1978.  He advanced through the ranks to Major, and retired in 2008.  He earned a master’s degree in Criminal Justice Administration from UNC Charlotte in 1988.

While with the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department, Blydenburgh worked in a variety of assignments.  As an officer, he worked in Patrol and in the Research and Development Bureau.  As a sergeant, he worked in Patrol, and was also assigned to the Office of the Chief, the Records Bureau, and to the Crime Scene Search Unit.  As a Captain, he managed the Communications Bureau, the Traffic Unit and the Recruitment Section.  He was also assigned to Patrol as a Division commander.  After his promotion to Major, he was assigned to the Southwest Service Area, which consisted of two Patrol Divisions, until his retirement.

Blydenburgh began teaching at UNC Charlotte in the Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology in 2004. Drawing upon his many assignments with the CMPD and his life-long interest in education and the police profession, he seeks to provide his students with a solid educational foundation as they pursue their goals in the criminal justice area.  He draws upon his experience and enthusiasm to make his classes thought-provoking and interesting.

Students agree that he accomplishes his goals. One student said, “He always makes it clear at the beginning of class if you ever want to go over the test, see your attendance, or get any help he will always be at the ready at the drop of a hat. If you miss class, he seeks you out and makes sure you’re all caught up. I’ve never had a teacher care that much.”