About Us

The College of Humanities & Earth and Social Sciences is a community focused on learning, teaching, research, and engagement. We are guided by an unshakeable commitment to humanistic values and ethical conduct and by a creative and entrepreneurial frame of mind in the global context in which the university exists.

As the largest college at UNC Charlotte, the College of Humanities & Earth and Social Sciences houses:

  • 17 departments in the humanities, social and behavioral sciences, natural sciences and military sciences
  • 21 interdisciplinary programs and applied research centers
  • 5 doctoral degrees
  • 16 master’s degrees
  • 17 graduate certificates
  • 18 early-entry graduate programs
  • 46 undergraduate degree options
  • 45+ undergraduate minors
  • 15 honors programs

The Power Of engagement

Our many departments, applied research centers and interdisciplinary programs unite behind the shared goal of educating critical and imaginative thinkers through inquiry and engagement. We encourage students to challenge themselves, explore new concepts, take risks and be successful in the ways they define it. We cultivate leadership, self-confidence, persistence and responsiveness in a world increasingly characterized by change. Undergraduate and graduate students of the College of Humanities & Earth and Social Sciences are expected to stretch their innate talents to prepare for leadership and service while equipped with the tools for success, wherever they choose to live and work.

Award-Winning Faculty

Our award-winning faculty are intellectual leaders who engage in research that advances knowledge in their fields and improves our world. They are passionate about their teaching and about encouraging a spirit of exploration and learning. Our faculty and students work within our local, national and global communities to find creative and innovative solutions to contemporary issues.