Can I walk in spring commencement and finish my last class over the summer?

Policy: “Students must have completed or be on track to complete their degree requirements for the term they plan to participate in the commencement ceremony. Undergraduate students who wish to attend commencement must attend the ceremony within their college….Students completing their degree requirements in May participate in the May ceremony.  Students completing degrees in a summer term, as well as those completing in December, participate in the December ceremony. ”

Resolution:  The Commencement ceremony is reserved for students who have completed all baccalaureate degree requirements.  The policy reflects the nature of the graduation ceremony and the space limitations we face as the university community continues to grow.  In the interest of implementing the policy in fairness to all students, the University Commencement Committee has agreed to make few exceptions.  If you wish to request an exception to this policy, and if you have special circumstances that you would like to be considered, you may submit an Academic Petition with the petition type “Graduation/Commencement”.