I want to take more than 18 hours this semester.

Policy: “A student should complete an average of 15 credit hours each Fall and Spring semester to complete a bachelor’s degree in four academic years. Enrollment in more than 18 credit hours in a Fall or Spring semester requires advance approval (via Academic Petition) of the dean of the student’s major college. An undergraduate student enrolled in 12 or more credit hours is considered to be a full-time student and must pay full tuition and fees.

Enrollment in the Summer semester is optional; a maximum load for an undergraduate student enrolled in the Summer semester is 7 credit hours per half term for a total of 14 credit hours. Enrollment in more than 7 credit hours in a Summer half term or 14 credit hours in a Summer semester requires advance approval (via Academic Petition) of the dean of the student’s major college. Successful academic achievement typically requires two or more hours of preparation per credit hour per week outside of class. For example, enrollment in 16 credit hours would require minimally 32 hours of preparation per week.”

Resolution: You may complete an Academic Petition (petition type – Registration Overload) indicating how many total credits you wish to take and your justification for doing so.  You will need a positive recommendation from your major department, so it is a good idea to begin by discussing your plans with your academic advisor.  Credit overloads are generally approved for students carrying a cumulative Charlotte GPA above 3.0 with proven success in a heavy course load.