Community Engagement

Seuss-a-Thon Community Event to Focus on Famous Author

Dr. Seuss’ birthday is coming up, and that means it’s time for the annual Seuss-a-Thon. This year’s Seuss-a-Thon will take place on Saturday, March 5, 2016 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Park Road Books, 4139 Park Road.

Film About Cold War Experiences Premieres in Major Festival

A documentary that recounts the Cold War struggles of Mario Röllig, UNC Charlotte “CLAS Eyewitness in Residence” will premiere this week during the 66th Berlin International Film Festival. The film includes scenes filmed during a visit Röllig made to UNC Charlotte in 2014.

Students Learn About Poverty, Language Issues Through Simulation

Sixty UNC Charlotte students who are enrolled in Spanish language classes caught a glimpse of what it means to live in poverty in a foreign country, struggling to survive with limited language skills through a simulation organized by Spanish lecturer Susana Cisneros.

Bearing Witness: Students Learn Lessons From the Holocaust

Atrocities can start with seemingly insignificant acts. UNC Charlotte students have learned this painful, yet powerful lesson through their in-depth study of the Holocaust. As scholars in the course “Bearing Witness to the Past: A Journey to Auschwitz,” they have traveled to the death camps of Auschwitz and Krakow. They have studied the photographs of the dead and read their names. They have seen the mute mountains of surrendered belongings – the shoes, the battered suitcases, the eyeglasses.

Researchers Work With Gaston County to Protect Well Water Supplies

UNC Charlotte and Gaston County are working together on an effort to protect and monitor a key portion of the county’s water supply. Funded by a grant from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the “Healthy Wells” program will establish a public digital database of the county’s wells and promote the protection of private well water supplies.

Students in El Salvador

Students Build Homes and Understanding in El Salvador

A cadre of UNC Charlotte students this summer worked alongside homeowners and local masons in Ahuachapán, El Salvador to build foundations for new homes, through a partnership with Habitat and with support from donors. The program offered hands-on experience building affordable housing, integrated with academic course content designed to develop deep understanding of complex social problems.

UNC Charlotte Center Director to Build, Explore New South Connections

As the new director for UNC Charlotte’s Center for the Study of the New South, Ashli Quesinberry Stokes will draw upon her research expertise and knowledge, along with her leadership and community engagement experiences, to lead the Center in its work.

College Faculty Provide Context For Charleston Shootings

In the wake of the shooting of nine black worshipers at historic Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, faculty from UNC Charlotte’s College of Liberal Arts & Sciences are providing context and resources at the regional, national and global levels.

Butterfly Highway: Graduate Student Creates Citizen Science Network

When people consider biodiversity, they often think of far-flung Amazon rainforests or vibrant coral reefs in tropical seas. While biodiversity ranks high on the global scale, it is also vital to the health of humans and the environment at the local level, something that UNC Charlotte doctoral student Angelique Hjarding is addressing through her research and creation of the Butterfly Highway project.

Lecturer Receives President’s Volunteer Service Award

Susana Cisneros has received the President’s Volunteer Service Award from the Corporation for National and Community Service in recognition and appreciation for her volunteerism in the Charlotte region.