Global Reach

Students in El Salvador

Students Build Homes and Understanding in El Salvador

A cadre of UNC Charlotte students this summer worked alongside homeowners and local masons in Ahuachapán, El Salvador to build foundations for new homes, through a partnership with Habitat and with support from donors. The program offered hands-on experience building affordable housing, integrated with academic course content designed to develop deep understanding of complex social problems.

With Odyssean Scholarships, Students to Study Abroad in Spain

UNC Charlotte undergraduate students Keegan Cary and Emma Franz will deepen their knowledge and understanding of the world through an immersive semester-long study abroad experience in Spain, as the 2015 Odyssean Scholarship recipients.

Alumnus Draws on Skills Honed At UNC Charlotte, in Global Issues Work

In his work with The Chicago Council on Global Affairs, UNC Charlotte alumnus Andy Morimoto draws upon skills he honed at UNC Charlotte, as he works on a broad range of international, political, and economic issues.

Student Performance Completes International Experience

UNC Charlotte students will present both live and recorded scenes from a 2014 London production of Shakespeare’s Pericles and Cervantes’ The Sultan’s Queen, as part of an extensive experience that involved a visit by a British team to UNC Charlotte, a study abroad experience last summer and this culminating performance.

In Shakespeare in England Course, Students Gain Sense of the World

Fourteen UNC Charlotte students experienced London and Stratford-upon-Avon as part of the Shakespeare in England spring study abroad course, exploring places and events that shaped the playwright’s personal and professional life.

Africana Studies Chair to Research Sustainability With Carnegie Foundation Funding

Sustainability is an international concern, and for one UNC Charlotte professor the challenge is to bring new understanding to how Nigerians can view sacred groves as secular green spaces, through in-depth research with global implications.

UNC Charlotte Students Partner With Russian Students to Promote Healthy Living

Students at UNC Charlotte are partnering with students in Russia to promote healthy living, through a collaboration created by program director Yuliya Baldwin and funded by the U.S. Department of State.

Student-Curated Mask Exhibit Offers Glimpse of Unique Cultures

Masks have served as a symbol of cultures around the world for centuries. Masks are unique and through their appearance, they can communicate about the unique people and cultures they represent. A student-created exhibit in the Languages Resource Center communicates about cultures while using visual and digital features.

Student with Visual Impairment Joins in Exploration of New Culture

Imagine studying abroad as a visually impaired student — learning about new cultures, languages and people, while adapting to an unfamiliar host university. This was UNC Charlotte psychology major Taneka Robertson’s experience this summer during a study abroad trip to Xiamen, China.

Gaining a Global Voice: Student Returns to India With Fellowship

Joseph Albertson is spending this summer studying Hindi in Jaipur, India, with a fellowship from the American Institute of Indian Studies. This is his second fellowship from the institute, which funded his studies in Jaipur last summer as well. Albertson is pursuing his master’s degree in religious studies at UNC Charlotte.