
English Faculty Member Wins National Literary Prize for Book on Henry Dumas

UNC Charlotte English professor Jeffrey Leak has won the top award for a nonfiction book from The Black Caucus of the American Library Association, Inc. for his critically acclaimed work, Visible Man: The Life of Henry Dumas.

New Book Considers Influence of Literature on Walt Disney

In a work that explores the influence of literature on Walt Disney and his creativity, Mark West, chair of the English Department, has co-edited and contributed to the recently released “Walt Disney, from Reader to Storyteller: Essays on the Literary Inspirations.”

English Faculty Member Receives Prestigious Award for Book On Critical Digital Literacies

UNC Charlotte Assistant Professor of English JuliAnna Ávila and her co-editor Jessica Zacher Pandya have received the prestigious 2014 Edward B. Fry Book Award for their book that explores the intersection of critical and digital literacies and the impact on students and teachers.

College Researchers, Authors Publish 32 Books in 2014

Authors in the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences in 2014 researched, wrote and edited 32 books on an array of topics including primates of Vietnam, trends in drug use and distribution, Hispanic children’s literature, middle class white anti-racism, stalled peacemaking in Israel and Palestine, the meltdown of the middle class, the U.S. Court of Appeals, HIV/AIDS, ethics, and reality TV and discourse analysis.

Miller’s Book Considers Language of Adult Immigrants, Role of Agency

UNC Charlotte English professor Elizabeth R. Miller interviewed 18 adult immigrant small business owners about their experiences learning and using English in their places of work, to form the foundation for her new book, The Language of Adult Immigrants: Agency in the Making.

New Book Gives Insight into Teaching First-Year Composition

A new book co-edited by UNC Charlotte English Professor Ron Lunsford and published in April 2014 gives insight into teaching first-year composition at the university level.

Wynne’s War Draws Praise from Critics

Wynne’s War, a new novel by UNC Charlotte author Aaron Gwyn, has drawn attention from readers and critics, who are calling it a “beautifully written story of men, war and madness,” a great adventure story and a work of narrative alchemy.

Dean Kruckeberg Delivers Keynote Speech at International Conference

Dean Kruckeberg, Department of Communication Studies, was a keynote speaker who discussed “The Reconceptualization of Public of Public Opinion in the Digital Era—How Online Public Opinion Changes the World,” at the International Conference, Public Interest & Media Impact, at Shi Hsin University, Taipei, Taiwan, March 20. The conference drew participants from Taiwan, China, Macau and Singapore.

Leak’s New Book Shines “a Piercing Light” on Mysterious Dumas

Jeffrey B. Leak’s newly published book, Visible Man: The Life of Henry Dumas, has won praise from a noted national writer for “shining a piercing light” on the elusive Dumas, who has remained a mystery even to fans of his work.

UNC Charlotte Book Named to History Book Club

Mexico’s Once and Future Revolution: Social Upheaval and the Challenge of Rule since the Late Nineteenth Century, co-authored by History Department Chair Jurgen Buchenau (with Gilbert M. Joseph) has been featured in the History Book Club, a rare distinction for an academic book, especially on a topic not pertaining to either American or European history. […]