Honors & Awards

Hauser Honored with Lifetime Achievement Award for Transportation Research

UNC Charlotte researcher Edd Hauser, director of the Center for Transportation Policy Studies and the Center for Disaster Studies, recently received the academic Lifetime Achievement in Transportation Research and Education Award from the Council of University Transportation Centers.

Japanese Faculty Member Honored for Promoting Japan – U.S. Friendship

Fumie Kato, associate professor of Japanese at UNC Charlotte, has been honored by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan for outstanding achievements in promoting friendship between Japan and the United States.

West Honored for Scholarship, Service to Children’s Literature Field

Mark West is a self-effacing scholar who can deftly turn attention from himself to the students, faculty and staff in UNC Charlotte’s Department of English and to colleagues in the field of children’s literature. Despite his reticence to stand in the spotlight, others are shining a beam on his service and have chosen him to receive the 2016 Anne Devereaux Jordan Award.

Professor Named One of 10 “Must Take Psychology Professors” in Charlotte

UNC Charlotte’s Jeanette M. Bennett has been named one of the 10 Must Take Psychology Professors in Charlotte by the online site Careers in Psychology. “Educating the next generation of leaders and scientists has always been one of my primary goals,” Bennett says. “My classroom provides an environment that is open to questions and a safe place to process new student ideas.”

Rubin, Brody Paper Nominated for Prestigious Kanter Award

UNC Charlotte researcher Beth A. Rubin’s third paper on management citizenship behavior was one of 16 articles worldwide nominated for the 2015 Rosabeth Moss Kanter Award for Excellence in Work-Family Research. Co-authors are Charles J. Brody and David J. Maume.

Alumna, Faculty Members Earn Award for Gender, Leadership Research

A UNC Charlotte organizational science graduate and two faculty members have received a best paper award for their research on gender and leadership.

Dalsheim Receives Inaugural Atkins Library Faculty Engagement Award

CLAS researcher Joyce Dalsheim has won the inaugural J. Murrey Atkins Library Faculty Engagement Award. Dalsheim is an assistant professor in UNC Charlotte’s Department of Global, Area, and International Studies in the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences.

Award-Winning Faculty Join Award-Winning Community Psychology Program

Two researchers who have received major national awards in their field will join the UNC Charlotte Department of Psychology as core faculty in the Community Psychology Training Program this fall.

John C. Reeves, Blumenthal Professor of Judaic Studies, named ACLS Fellow

John Reeves, Blumenthal Professor of Judaic Studies in the Department of Religious Studies, has received a prestigious American Council of Learned Societies Fellowship for 2015-16 to work on his project “Illuminating the Afterlife of Ancient Apocryphal Jewish Literature.”

Michèle Bissière Receives Two Prestigious National and International Awards

Michèle Bissière, associate professor of French in the Department of Languages and Culture Studies at UNC Charlotte, has received two prestigious national and international awards for her teaching and commitment to raising the prestige of French culture.