
Center City Literary Festival to Feature Authors, Performers

Artists, musicians, authors and performers will enliven the second annual Center City Literary Festival on October 17 and 18 at UNC Charlotte Center City.

College Home of Four Bank of America Award for Teaching Excellence Nominees

Four of the five nominees for The Bank of America Award for Teaching Excellence come from the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences this year. The award is one of the most important and prestigious traditions at UNC Charlotte, as it honors outstanding teachers and demonstrates the university’s commitment to excellence in teaching.

Confronting The Meltdown of America’s Middle Class

America’s middle class is suffering an economic meltdown that threatens the sector of society long considered the nation’s bedrock. UNC Charlotte author and researcher Scott Fitzgerald will dissect these troubles and explore ways to regain prosperity, on Thursday, September 18 at 6:30 p.m. at UNC Charlotte Center City.

Students in Spanish for Law Enforcement Classes Gain Real-World Experience

Students in Susana Cisneros’ Spanish for Law Enforcement class last spring witnessed police in action, talked with FBI agents and observed court trials – gaining real-world insights into how Spanish is used in the criminal justice system. Because of students’ positive experiences, she plans to continue to offer these types of opportunities for students.

Faculty Member Receives Bonnie E. Cone Early-Career Professorship in Teaching

Credited with creating “a Japanese family” at UNC Charlotte, Fumie Kato, associate professor in the Department of Languages and Culture Studies in the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, received the Bonnie E. Cone Early-Career Professorship in Teaching at the University Convocation on August 19, 2014.

Meteorology Student’s Research Project Helps Showcase Students’ Work

UNC Charlotte meteorology students can now showcase their weather research online and in a new campus display unit in the front lobby of the McEniry building, as a result of meteorology student Warren Pettee’s Charlotte Research Scholars summer project.

As Graduate Life Fellows, CLAS Students to Help Make Connections

Two College of Liberal Arts & Sciences students are among the seven leaders chosen as Graduate Life Fellows for the 2014-15 academic year. They are Kristen Reynolds, a master’s student in English and Alyssa Vela, a doctoral student in health psychology, chosen from 45 applicants.

Quinlan and Team Win Regional Emmy for Series on Arts-Health Ties

UNC Charlotte researcher Margaret M. Quinlan and colleagues won a regional EMMY® on August 2 for The Courage of Creativity, a documentary series that explores the role that artists and creativity can play in people’s well-being in health-related contexts.

College Undergraduates Win Honors at Summer Research Symposium

Two of the three winners for best research posters at the third annual Summer Research Symposium are students in the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, and several students who earned honorable mention also come from the college. Over 80 undergraduate students, including the students in the Charlotte Research Scholars summer research program, competed in the poster competition, presenting scholarly inquiry in a broad range of topics.

Levine Scholar Inspired by Research at Mount Zion Dig

UNC Charlotte religious studies undergraduate Kevin Caldwell was so inspired by his research experiences last summer, at the university’s Mt. Zion archaeological dig site in Jerusalem, that he headed back again. “To participate in that was perhaps the best, and I would have to say the greatest, intellectual exercise that I’ve been able to participate […]