
Forecasting Optimal Solar Energy Investments

As the world seeks ways to reduce energy costs and speed access to alternative energy solutions, UNC Charlotte researcher Deborah Strumsky is leading a team that will use modeling to forecast optimal investments for the array of solar energy technologies that are emerging.

Students Can Dive Into Topics with Undergraduate Research Conference

Beginning a research project can feel like diving into a vast ocean of information. Students often spend untold hours swimming through a broad research topic, as they seek to address issues that perplex and warrant an answer.

UNC Charlotte, Harvard research suggests scientists have overestimated capacity of wind farms to generate power

People think of wind as an energy source with few limits, offering an unending power source with distinct capacity advantages over sources that deplete, such as fossil fuel. Yet, new research suggests that the power capacity of large-scale wind farms may have been significantly overestimated.

Podcast Showcases Leeman’s Book, Research

The New Books Network is featuring a podcast with Richard W. Leeman, communication studies, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, and his co-editor, Bernard Duffy, about their book The Will of a People: A Critical Anthology of Great African American Speeches.

College Faculty Members, Graduate Student to Present Research Related to Discrimination in Eugenics Program

Communication studies faculty members Daniel Grano and Margaret Quinlan and graduate student Elliot Hamer presented “Did Race and Money Matter? Discrimination in the N.C. Eugenics Program”

College Faculty Publish Over Two Dozen Books in 2012

Faculty in UNC Charlotte’s College of Liberal Arts & Sciences published over two dozen books in 2012, contributing to the university’s research and the telling of stories that help make sense of the world.

College Faculty Obtain Significant Funding in 2012

Knowledge lives in research. As scholars pursue answers to big questions and researchers push the boundaries of what we already know, knowledge shifts, grows, and expands. The vitality of the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences is linked to the vitality of its faculty’s research. In fiscal year 2012, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences […]

Undergraduate Students, Faculty Consider Critical Topics in Charlotte Research Scholars Program

As part of the inaugural Charlotte Research Scholars program, students from the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences and other UNC Charlotte colleges spent their summers alongside faculty conducting original and cutting-edge research. The program provided summer research opportunities to 50 undergraduate students, of which 31 are majors in disciplines in the College of Liberal […]

Screening Set for Sunday of Director’s Cut of New Film The Jesus Discovery

A special screening of the 90-minute director’s cut of the new film The Jesus Discovery will be shown from 2:30 to 5 p.m., Sunday, April 29, in the Queen’s Court Ballroom of the Renaissance Hotel near SouthPark. This version has never been shown in the United States and was aired in Canada on Vision TV […]

Geography Ph.D. Student Receives Two Awards in One Week

Sarah Haas, a Ph.D. student in Geography in the Center for Applied Geographic Information Science, has received a substantial travel scholarship that will allow her to study in South Africa and a National Science Foundation-funded training grant that will help her learn new data techniques. In the first award, Haas will travel to the University […]