Student Stories

Student Finds Knowledge By Asking Big Questions

Ashley Williams knows no boundaries and shows no fear when asking big questions. Williams is one of the rare UNC Charlotte students to double major across two colleges and also begin a master’s program while working on her undergraduate degrees. She sees her wide-ranging choices as critical preparation for her future.

Promising Potential: Student Offers Scholarship to Inspire

Scholarship benefactor Jason Bonsall wants people to know that he does not consider himself to be unique, or special, or extraordinary. He’s just a regular guy who has found a way to help others. He has done so by starting a scholarship fund while an undergraduate philosophy major at UNC Charlotte.

Gaining a Global Voice: Student Returns to India With Fellowship

Joseph Albertson is spending this summer studying Hindi in Jaipur, India, with a fellowship from the American Institute of Indian Studies. This is his second fellowship from the institute, which funded his studies in Jaipur last summer as well. Albertson is pursuing his master’s degree in religious studies at UNC Charlotte.

Anthropology Major Takes Food Desert Personally; Researches Solutions

People who live in food deserts in Charlotte struggle to find healthy fresh food. Lauren Whipp, who as an undergraduate anthropology major began researching the topic, takes this issue personally. While she has long been interested in the topic, Whipp expanded her formal research into food access issues as an undergraduate Charlotte Research Scholar in the summer of 2013.

Competing for Global Talent: Research Shows Factors Affecting Immigrant Labor

As competition for talent heats up worldwide, UNC Charlotte researcher Qingfang Wang has identified critical factors that appear to give some communities a competitive edge. Wang’s research considers highly skilled immigrants and immigrant entrepreneurs – what attracts them, what fosters their growth and what deters them from fully using their skills and knowledge.

Innovative Volunteer Program Assessment Helps Nonprofits Thrive

Effective volunteers are the lifeblood of nonprofit organizations. Without them, nonprofits can wither and even die, so understanding their needs is critical. UNC Charlotte’s Volunteer Program Assessment helps nonprofits understand and respond to their volunteer programs’ strengths and weaknesses. Since 2009, VPA has helped over 120 organizations in 20 states address their needs.

UNC Charlotte Student Leaves Familiar Behind During Study Abroad

During a spring break studying abroad for nine days in England alongside 15 other students in UNC Charlotte’s ‘Shakespeare in England’ class, undergraduate Lauren Dockery learned to live in the moment and to leave familiarity behind.

Students’ Achievements Recognized at Annual Awards Ceremony

Of the ten exemplary students who were acknowledged during the annual university Honors and Awards Program held in mid-April, 3 are majors in the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences. The awards recognize students’ outstanding achievements in academics, athletics, community service and leadership.

Student Team Vies for $1 Million in Social Venture Funding

A UNC Charlotte graduate student team has moved one step closer to a $1 million prize in funding to launch a sustainable social venture, in the world’s largest student competition and start-up platform for social good. The Hult Prize Foundation recently announced that the UNC Charlotte team had advanced to the regional finals of the fifth annual Hult Prize.

Study abroad student in Jordan

Jordan Study Abroad Experience: Language, Culture and Family

Editor’s Note: Periodically, we will share stories of global experiences, in students’ or faculty members’ own words.  If you wish to submit articles for consideration, we invite you to do so through our “submit news” form. Thanks! By Sarah Obeid I never thought in this lifetime I would eat a boiling, teriyaki-flavored snail on the […]