Student Stories

Technical/Professional Writing Graduates Prepared for Success

Graduates of the Technical/professional writing program discuss how the versatile nature of the program helps prepare students to succeed when they enter the workforce. The program is offered through the English Department in the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences.

Graduate Life Fellows Named to Build Community on Campus

UNC Charlotte’s Graduate Life Fellows program enters its eighth year this fall with the selection of seven fellows — including four from the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences — who will build community on campus with programming, events, workshops and outreach participation for graduate students.

Charlotte Research Scholar

Undergraduate Charlotte Research Scholars Learn By Doing

UNC Charlotte student scholars are researching diverse topics ranging from lightning strike patterns in the Southeast U.S. to the connection between Maya Angelou’s poetry and contemporary hip-hop to the impact of UNC Charlotte’s student-run food pantry.

Butterfly Highway: Graduate Student Creates Citizen Science Network

When people consider biodiversity, they often think of far-flung Amazon rainforests or vibrant coral reefs in tropical seas. While biodiversity ranks high on the global scale, it is also vital to the health of humans and the environment at the local level, something that UNC Charlotte doctoral student Angelique Hjarding is addressing through her research and creation of the Butterfly Highway project.

With Odyssean Scholarships, Students to Study Abroad in Spain

UNC Charlotte undergraduate students Keegan Cary and Emma Franz will deepen their knowledge and understanding of the world through an immersive semester-long study abroad experience in Spain, as the 2015 Odyssean Scholarship recipients.

UNC Charlotte Students Earn First Year Writing Awards

UNC Charlotte students have received awards for their writing, presented during the University Writing Program’s s Excellence in First Year Writing ceremony on Friday, April 17 in the Halton Reading Room at J. Murrey Atkins Library.

Students to Showcase Technical and Professional Writing, Digital Technology Skills

Students from UNC Charlotte’s programs in technical professional writing and English majors with a concentration in language and digital technology will showcase their work on Tuesday, April 28 at 6:30 p.m. in the foyer of the Fretwell Building.

Journalism Students Earn Award for “Covering Poverty in America”

UNC Charlotte journalism students won a 2014 Mark of Excellence Award from the Society of Professional Journalists for the website created from student work for the 2014 course, “Covering Poverty in America.”

In Shakespeare in England Course, Students Gain Sense of the World

Fourteen UNC Charlotte students experienced London and Stratford-upon-Avon as part of the Shakespeare in England spring study abroad course, exploring places and events that shaped the playwright’s personal and professional life.

Student Teams Develop Innovative, Entrepreneurial Approaches to Societal Issues

A drive to address societal challenges proved compelling for three UNC Charlotte student teams competing in the UNC Social Entrepreneurship Conference at North Carolina A&T State University. The teams returned from the experience with an unwavering commitment to tackle society’s problems.