
Jeremiah Morris Built a Network of Support to Thrive
Jeremiah Morris rattles off the names of students and faculty he’s connected to without missing a beat. In fact, Morris can’t walk around campus without friends coming up to hug him or say hello. He built an extended network of support he needed at UNC Charlotte to push through and thrive in his education. Morris […]

Graduation Spotlight: Luther ‘Cole’ Kissam V
A high school crush and a broken leg helped Luther “Cole” Kissam V find his passion for writing, but working through his mental health struggles set Cole on a path to be a published author, and helped him develop the growth mindset he needed after dropping out of college, twice. Cole will graduate from UNC […]

Devin Clegg
Student Perseveres In Research Student, Biology UNC Charlotte’s Devin Clegg sees a strong linkage between his selection for a prestigious National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship and lessons he learned when conducting biological sciences research and playing football with the Charlotte 49ers. Clegg, who completed his bachelor’s degree in exercise science at UNC Charlotte in […]

Luke Hardy
Doctoral Student Integral To Biomedical Optics Research Doctoral Student, Physics and Optical Science Luke Hardy, who is pursuing a doctoral degree in optical science and engineering, is an integral member of a research team focused on biomedical optics and laser-tissue interactions, mostly in the therapeutic realm. With the incidence of kidney and bladder stones increasing […]