
CLAS in the News, May-June 2010

Faculty Expertise James Tabor, religious studies, was featured in The New Yorker on the “Historical Jesus” by Adam Gopnik. (May 24) Susan K. Johnson and Paula Goolkasian, psychology, were featured in the Chronicle of Higher Education in the article “Surprising speed of Om.” The article references their paper about “Mindfulness meditation improves cognition: Evidence of […]

CLAS in the News, March – April 2010

Faculty Expertise Faramarz Farahi, physics and optical sciences, was mentioned in an article in the Charlotte Business Journal regarding “UNCC Charlotte’s fiber optics to vie at international awards.” (Feb. 12) Aaron Gwyn, English, was quoted in the Salt Lake Tribune regarding a current book review in “Writing across Utah’s cultural divide.” (Feb. 19) Kelly Finley, […]

CLAS in the News, January – February 2010

This is a report of College of Liberal Arts & Sciences faculty, students and alumni in the news for the months of January and February. Faculty Expertise Roslyn Mickelson, sociology, was quoted in the New York Times story “District May End N.C. Economic Diversity Program.” (Feb 27) Eddy Souffrant, philosophy, was a guest on WFAE’s […]

CLAS in the News, July – August 2009

Faculty Expertise Bill Brandon, political science, was quoted in the WCNC-TV story responding to the online discussion about health care reform. He also discussed health care reform on WFAE’s “Charlotte Talks.” (Aug. 18) Deborah Bosley, English, wrote the article “Plain Language Builds Trust, and Trust is Good for Business,” for NC Magazine. Rosemarie Tong, philosophy […]

CLAS in the News, May – June 2009

This is a report of College of Liberal Arts & Sciences faculty, students and alumni in the news for the months of May and June. Faculty Expertise NBC’s “Today Show” features criminology professor Dr. Joe Kuhns in the story “Are Tasers Safe?” (June 17) Dr. Deborah Bosley, associate professor of English, was quoted extensively in […]

CLAS in the News, March – April 2009

This is a report of College of Liberal Arts & Sciences faculty, students and alumni in the news for the months of March and April. Faculty Expertise The Atlantic Monthly quoted Dr. Deborah Strumsky, assistant professor in the geography and earth sciences department, in the article “How the Crash Will Reshape America.” (March) The New […]

CLAS in the News, January – February 2009

This is a report of College of Liberal Arts & Sciences faculty, staff and students in the news for the months of January and February 2009. Faculty Expertise Profil, the No. 1 newsweekly of Austria, featured Dr. James Tabor, department chair and professor of religious studies, in the article “Was lief wirklich in Bethlehem?” translated “What […]

CLAS in the News, September – October 2008

This is a report of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences faculty, students and alumni in the news for the months of September and October. If you or your work is featured in the media, please contact Allison Reid at to be included in the next edition, which will be sent out Jan. 12, […]

CLAS in the News, July – August 2008

This is a report of College of Liberal Arts and Sciences faculty, students and alumni in the news for the months of July and August. Faculty Expertise Dr. James Tabor, chair of religious studies, was quoted in the Boston Globe article, “Some say ad cast Barack Obama as the Anti-Christ ,” which was also picked […]

CLAS In the News, May-June 2008

Faculty Expertise NPR affiliate WFAE featured Dr. Michael Hudson, Chair of the Biology Department, to discuss antibiotic-resistant bacteria on “Charlotte Talks.”  (June 26) WCNC-TV quoted Chemistry assistant professor Dr. Sherine Obare about the making of biodiesel fuel in its story “Thieves steal leftover grease to make biodiesel fuel.” (June 12) News 14 Carolina, in its […]