CHESS Small Grants Program

The CHESS Small Grants Program is designed to facilitate the completion or enhancement of ongoing research projects. (Faculty seeking support for new research projects should apply to the Faculty Research Grants Program.) Full-time faculty can apply to receive up to $1,500 for eligible expenses not supported by departmental research funds or other funding sources. Documentation of IRB approval is necessary prior to obtaining funds for any research that involves human subjects. Funds must be expended by June 15, 2025.

Submission Deadlines: Because research funds are needed at varying times during the year, applications are accepted in three rounds with deadlines listed below. The number and size of awards are contingent upon funding and may fluctuate annually. Faculty are encouraged to apply for the September or January rounds if possible.

September 27, 2024
January 31, 2025
April 4, 2025 (dependent upon funding)

Eligible Applicants: All full-time faculty in the College of Humanities & Earth and Social Sciences may apply, though applications from faculty with research expectations in their workloads will be prioritized. In order to share limited resources broadly, a faculty member can only receive one award through the CHESS Small Grants Program per academic year.

Eligible Expenses: The CHESS Small Grants Program prioritizes requests for funding to support the last steps toward publication (indexes, illustrations, etc.). Open access publication costs will be considered only after a faculty member seeks funding from the Atkins Library Open Access Publishing Fund to determine if we have an agreement with the publisher. Eligible expenses include but are not limited to the following:

  • Index preparation
  • Illustrations/reproduction of images
  • Open access publication costs (only after applying to Atkins Library)
  • Travel to collections and archives
  • Required subventions for publication
  • Specialized software, equipment, or datasets
  • Research participant incentives (per state regulations)
  • Research assistant support (fixed number of hours)
  • Professional development opportunities related to unit goals

The CHESS Small Grants Program is intended to support projects where other financial sources have been exhausted or are not available. To be eligible for funding, applicants must confirm that they have consulted with their Department Chair and that the request cannot be supported using departmental or unit research overhead funds.

Awards may not be used to pay for investigator stipends, release time, memberships, or food. All normal state purchasing procedures apply. If a request is approved, the investigator’s home department will process the payment(s) and the College will transfer or reconcile funds later to cover the expense(s). 

Post-Award Expectations: Within three months of completing a funded project, award recipients should submit to the CHESS Associate Dean of Research and Interdisciplinary Collaboration a brief (1 paragraph) description of how the funding impacted the research project. Failure to submit this documentation will result in ineligibility for future CHESS Small Grants Program funding.

Review: All requests are evaluated by the Faculty Development Awards Committee based on five criteria: 1) the need for funding; 2) potential impact of the proposed project; 3) appropriateness of the research design or steps to complete the project; 4) relevance to the applicant’s research agenda and career trajectory; and 5) alignment with the College’s strategic goals. The committee provides feedback to the Associate Dean for Research and Interdisciplinary Collaboration and the Dean makes the final decision based on availability of funds. Applicants will be notified of a decision within four weeks of the submission deadline.

Scoring Rubric


Exemplary(2 pts)

Adequate(1 pt)
Needs improvement(0 pts)

Need for fundingOn-going project could not be completed or would be significantly hampered without fundingFunding to launch new project or to support existing project that could possibly continue without itNeed for funding is unclear, and/or no attempt made to explore other funding options
Potential impactProject would have clear and significant impactProject would have impactImpact of the project is weak or unclear
Quality of research designClear and detailed explanation of a logical series of steps involved to complete projectGeneral explanation of the steps involved to complete the projectExplanation of steps involved in project lacks detail or alignment with goals
Relevance to research agendaProject aligns closely with the applicant’s research agendaSome alignment between the project and the applicant’s research agendaAlignment between the project and the applicant’s research agenda is weak or unclear
Alignment with strategic goalsProject clearly aligns with one or more strategic goalsProject aligns with one strategic goalLittle alignment with strategic goals
TOTAL SCORE (max. 10)