Ways to Connect

How would you like to connect? Maybe meeting other alumni at a book club, movie night, rec club, tailgate or sporting event sounds appealing, but you just aren’t sure how to start. Let Us Know or read about CHESS events and Alumni Association events. If you are interested in the mentoring process, check out this page from the University Career Center.

Volunteer and have fun

Or maybe you would like to support CHESS, but are afraid of the time commitment. We can always use people to help brainstorm aspects of our upcoming events, help research the related practical details (venues/costs, etc), research contacts, help set-up/breakdown, use up your organization’s volunteer PTO benefit. We know how you can help and still have fun!

Event Greeter/Ambassador

CHESS hosts over 300 events per year, most of them hosted by individual departments and centers. They appreciate an alumni presence at their events as audience members and sign-in table greeters who can mingle with community members and students, and then contribute to Q&A sessions based on your professional experience. Network, learn and enjoy.

Here are a few specific opportunities:

  • The College hosts four Personally Speaking series events per year, to honor our published authors and to connect with the Greater Charlotte community. These are often festive events with an even greater need for department-related alumni who can converse with community members about the topic (broadly speaking) during our receptions. Extra appreciation if we can count on you to attend more than one!
  • Reminisce about your excitement (or nervousness!) upon commencement and welcome our newest graduates to the Alumni Association. Mingle with students and/or their families to learn about their time here at UNC Charlotte and to discuss the benefits of the Alumni Association, if they ask (we’ll help you understand this information). Mostly, we want them to have many opportunities to make their earliest alumni connections and to get a sense that their alumni journey is just beginning!
  • Every spring, we ask, “who might want to provide momentum to Niner Nation Gives, our annual fundraising campaign?” The Alumni Association works hard for months dreaming up a series of festive events, competitions, and incentives for the alumni ambassadors who help us to motivate the rest of Niner Nation to make donations and challenges of all sizes. A monetary donation is not necessary to participate (although it is welcome). But we could really use your enthusiasm, pride of experience, and social media networking power to bring it all home for your College.

Presentation Panelist

From time to time, your home department may look for experts to sit on a presentation panel. If this sounds like something that would interest you, direct us to your LinkedIn profile.

Let Us Know