Nana Sledzieski

Nana Sledzieski

Director of External Relations & Events
Dean's Office

Contact me about:

  • building relationships and partnerships between community members and alumni/future alumni
  • becoming an alumni council member/nominating alumni for awards
  • matching speakers and audiences for research-related topics
  • raising awareness and public perception of your event among external audiences
  • submitting event promotion to communication channels (contact UCOMM with your news)
  • receiving guidance on your own editorial content and audience appeal
  • receiving guidance about your own event planning
  • cross-promoting your event with other CHESS events
  • reporting outcomes of event registration/attendance metrics
  • requesting alumni lists (1x use only)
  • reporting alumni accomplishments and notable conversations
  • reporting all student and alumni volunteerism at department events
  • requesting College-branded giveaway items
  • borrowing physical assets such as banners, tablecloths, easels, etc.
  • college commencement celebrations
  • faculty recognition programming
  • Niner Nation Week/Niner Nation Gives/Niner Nation Serves
  • resource information about Phi Kappa Phi