water research

Smart, Connected Communities Provide Focus for INSS Conference

Social sustainability has been defined as creating places that promote well-being by understanding what people need from the places they live and work. UNC Charlotte continues to support this effort through the annual Integrated Network for Social Sustainability conference, scheduled for Monday, June 5, through Wednesday, June 7.

UNC Charlotte Receives Water Resources Grant to Establish Watershed Observatory

UNC Charlotte has received a $76,521 grant to establish a watershed observatory that will document the impact of land use and invasive plant species on Catawba Watershed water quality and quantity, to guide the development of best conservation practices for uplands here and elsewhere. Dr. Martha Cary Eppes and Dr. David Vinson of the Department of Geography & Earth Sciences will oversee the watershed work, in partnership with North Carolina Plant Conservation Program and the Catawba Lands Conservancy.

Mars Research Expands Insights Into Earth’s Surface Processes

The drive to learn how the sun weathers rock has taken UNC Charlotte earth scientist Martha-Cary “Missy” Eppes to great lengths – to the arid deserts of the Southwest, the periglacial boulder fields of Pennsylvania and Virginia, and even to the surface of Mars. Mechanical weathering, the physical means by which rock is broken into smaller fragments, is one of the primary processes that defines Earth as we know it. Without it, there would be no erosion, no soil, no sediment from which resources like water and oil can be readily drawn, and no ready access to rock nutrients that are required by flora and in turn, fauna.