Natural Sciences

The Science and Culture of Chocolate

The aromas and tastes of the holiday season call forth memories of traditions and of times spent with family and friends. Hot chocolate is a particularly special drink, building connections among people worldwide. We invite you to pause for a moment to consider historical, botanical, and cultural aspects of this comforting drink. We also hope you will take a moment to savor this special time of year with those you cherish.

As “Earth Detective,” Tang Addresses Societal Programs Through Spatial Research

Call him an earth sleuth. Wenwu Tang, assistant professor in the Department of Geography and Earth Sciences, scoops up information from a targeted locale and analyzes it for clues to address any number of societal problems with a spatial component. With his research, Tang looks at land use, land cover change, how traffic patterns may influence transportation, how pedestrians or animals may move in an area or even how disease may spread.

UNC Charlotte Receives Water Resources Grant to Establish Watershed Observatory

UNC Charlotte has received a $76,521 grant to establish a watershed observatory that will document the impact of land use and invasive plant species on Catawba Watershed water quality and quantity, to guide the development of best conservation practices for uplands here and elsewhere. Dr. Martha Cary Eppes and Dr. David Vinson of the Department of Geography & Earth Sciences will oversee the watershed work, in partnership with North Carolina Plant Conservation Program and the Catawba Lands Conservancy.

Geography Student Earns Sustainability Award for Focus On Cycling Options

UNC Charlotte’s Ray Atkinson was one of 12 community leaders to win a Community Sustainability Award in April, presented by Sustain Charlotte for his work as president of the cyclists club at UNC Charlotte.

Doyle Named Distinguished Visiting Professor at U.S. Air Force Academy

Michael S. Doyle, a professor of Spanish and translation studies at UNC Charlotte, will join the United States Air Force Academy faculty in Colorado Springs, Colo. as a Distinguished Visiting Professor from July 1, 2013 through May 28, 2014.

Model United Nations Closes Successful Year

As the 2012-13 academic year comes to a close, the UNC Charlotte Model United Nations team ends the year as its most successful in the team’s history. The team earned 66 awards in the fall and spring, hosted training conferences for area high schools and colleges and attended six conferences.