Social Sciences

Food Research Engages Faculty, Students, Community

Being an informed citizen in a democracy necessitates understanding the people who make, and will be affected by, community decisions. The Civic Eats project seeks to help create a better informed Charlotte citizenry through a focus on the connective potential of foodways – or why we eat, what we eat, and what it means.

MPA Team To Compete In Global Migration Simulation Contest

A team of UNC Charlotte graduate students is headed to Washington, D.C. to tackle the real-world problem of global migration, through an innovative national simulation competition called “The Refugee Simulation.” This year’s competition will focus on the issue of forced migration and refugees. The UNC Charlotte team and other teams will be asked to balance their budgets and their humanity, facing the underlying question of what sacrifices they are willing to make.

The Science and Culture of Chocolate

The aromas and tastes of the holiday season call forth memories of traditions and of times spent with family and friends. Hot chocolate is a particularly special drink, building connections among people worldwide. We invite you to pause for a moment to consider historical, botanical, and cultural aspects of this comforting drink. We also hope you will take a moment to savor this special time of year with those you cherish.

Ogundiran Appointed As Editor-in-Chief Of “African Archaeological Review”

Africana Studies outgoing chair Akin Ogundiran will serve as Editor-in-Chief of African Archaeological Review (AAR). This is the oldest continent-wide journal in the field of African archaeology. The five-year appointment will provide students with the opportunity to be part of the editorial process of a major international journal, in addition to providing UNC Charlotte with more visibility as a research university, Ogundiran said.